Is it time to recertify your TTS?

If it’s been 2 years since you’ve completed our TTS training program, please see below for instructions on how to keep your certification up to date!

What is CTTS Recertification?

CTTS Recertification is for those who have completed a Tobacco Treatment Specialist training program. Recertification is for the purpose of keeping your TTS certificate current, demonstrating that you have the most up-to-date training and education in the tobacco treatment field. You must renew your certification every 2 years. This will require you to complete 18 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) or Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. This must be granted by an accredited organization, and you must provide documentation of these hours.


  • Please complete the TTS recertification application/ submission
  • Recertification payment: $100 via check or credit card
  • 18 CE’s related to smoking cessation and tobacco treatment

Continuing education hours approved as follows: 

  • Tobacco-focused courses
  • Non-tobacco motivational interviewing
  • General addiction or addiction courses specific to an area other than tobacco
  • Health Behavior/Wellness/Prevention and Public Health Courses (These would include control/prevention/public health workshops)
  • Courses that don’t fall under these categories will not be approved for credit
  • Tobacco-focused conferences and college courses

Please reach out to [email protected] for any questions you may have.

Tobacco Treatment Specialist Recertification Application

Directions: In order to maintain a current CTTS Certificate you will need to renew your certification every two years (from the date on your initial certificate). Recertification requires proof of 18 continuing education credits from an accredited organization, on tobacco cessation, prevention, health policy, or closely related areas such as behavioral health and counseling. 

Home Address(Required)
Work Address(Required)

Cost for Recertification is $100.00


**Paying by credit card: Please email your completed application and CE certificates to: [email protected] you will be emailed an invoice from The Breathing Association & a separate email from Paytrace will contain a payment link (allowing you to pay by credit card and receive a receipt). **The payment link will expire after 10 days***

**Paying by check/money order: Please email [email protected] to request an invoice be emailed to you to include with your mailed in application and payment.

I attest that the listed continuing education hours were received by me and that the information presented is accurate.(Required)

Please Mail Forms to:
CTTS – Lung Health Clinic
The Breathing Association 741 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43205

Phone: 614-273-2843
Fax: 614-437-1506
Email: [email protected]